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restricted item中文是什么意思

用"restricted item"造句"restricted item"怎么读"restricted item" in a sentence


  • 受限制物品


  • Hardware ( excluding restricted items and the fire department only after passing security checks before opening )
    五金(不含限制项目及只限消防部门安全检查合格后方可开业) 。
  • To prevent exposing restricted items in a base class , the access type of a derived class must be equal to or more restrictive than its base class
  • The u . s . is extremely concerned about the eu exporting military machinery and technology to china and hopes that the restricted items will include the following : weapons subsystems , missile - related facilities and technology , stealth systems , satellite technology , so - called " double c " command and control warfare items , naval operations platforms , and military aircraft
用"restricted item"造句  
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